Monday, May 11, 2015

SEO Tips - Local SEO - Greater Boston Area

1. Enhance Your Photos Locally

It isn’t always enough to have solid content on your website. Having the right descriptions for your images plays a part in your local SEO, as well. When you include photos on your site, be sure that they are high-quality. The better image description you can provide for each, the happier Google will be. Also, do not forget that when you label your photo, you should include the city and state information in your alt text. This small addition to your photos will help to increase the local relevancy of your page.

2. Optimize Your Title Tag

A title tag is absolutely necessary for optimization. We recommend that before you even begin writing your content that you complete a title tag filled out for your post or page. In your title tag, include your city and state. This information is important because it becomes an automatic signal for local relevancy.

3. Create Killer Content

It’s a common mistake to omit location from the actual content copy of the site. Don’t let yourself be sucked into this bad habit. When you are writing content that is locally-sensitive, be absolutely sure that you include the city and state! Unless you include your local information, you cannot realistically optimize your site for local SEO.

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