5 Reasons Podcasting Should Be a Part of Your Marketing Playbook
How To Make Best Use Of A Podcast
Podcast were made famous by MTV’s Adam Curry, over a decade ago but after that initial burst of popularity they fell out of favor, said Kent Lewis, president and founder of Anvil Media. “In the past few years, though, podcasting has seen incredible resurgence. Research shows consumers value podcasting as a medium for information and entertainment and appreciate brands that utilize the medium.”
By now most companies are familiar with podcasts and, for the reasons that Lewis gave, they are generally thought to be among the possible strategies for a digital marketer to try. However, when used correctly they can be a far more potent tool, as Lubetkin’s client story shows. They are, for example, ideal for targeting and educating a specific audience about a concept or company. And while they are unlikely to go viral — unless you are producing Serial or This American Life — they will leave an indelible impression on your audience. Here are other reasons why a podcast should be among the top of a digital marketer’s go-to tools.
Positioning Your Brand as an Authority
When purposefully launched and marketed, a podcast can set you up as the subject matter expert in your field, said Laura Pence Atencio, a radio show and podcast host and author at Socially Savvy Geek. “When you speak directly to your target market about the exact issues and struggles they are facing and provide them with solutions, they quickly learn to trust you,” she said. Or put another way, “There’s nothing quite like having the chance to speak directly to your target customers...,” said Viv Conway, co-host of Ace The Gram podcast.
The type of guests that a podcast has can also establish branding creds, said Scott Orn, COO of Kruze Consulting and host of the podcast Founders & Friends. Kruze Consulting is an accounting firm that focuses on serving venture capital-funded startups, he explained. “Since we often interview guests who have large social media followings, we will see many of the podcasts tweeted and mentioned by guests — it gets the word out about us.” And, he added, the fact that important venture capitalists and noted lawyers in the space will do an interview with Founders & Friends shows how influential Kruze Consulting is.